User research • Needs Testing • Cost analysis • Invention • Industrial Design • Mechanical Design • Design Validation • Business proposition.
Identifying the problem with Vaccine Delivery
Before starting my capstone project for Loughborough University, I travelled to Asia and read a book called 'From the killing fields to the healing fields' detailing Cambodia's struggle with last-mile delivery of vaccine. They had trouble simply keeping vaccine cool enough to administer which led to a huge number of lives lost.
Delivery by walkin
Delivery by walkin
Delivery by bike
Delivery by bike
Delivery by vehicle
Delivery by vehicle
Remote delivery
Remote delivery
I looked into the scope of all available technologies for last mile delivery and stumbled upon the 1929 Crosley Icyball, used for rural farming refrigeration before widespread adoption of electric fridges, it was cast iron and weighed 50Kg.
I contacted a group of nurse practitioners specifically working on vaccine delivery in the UK. With their insights, I identified critical issues in vaccine infrastructure that pinpointed last-mile delivery as a core problem even in developed nations. 
Through these insights I mapped all of the key issues and started developing an ergonomic understanding of the type of device and payload required to do the job.
Recording user journey
Recording user journey
Learning about full vaccine process
Learning about full vaccine process
Mapping the user journey
Mapping the user journey
Paper prototype carrier
Paper prototype carrier
Paper prototype 2
Paper prototype 2
Testing base ergonomics
Testing base ergonomics
Identifying the opportunity
I read studies conducted by leading global vaccine governing bodies such as PATH, GAVI, Gates Foundation and WHO. Insights taught me that the best carrier in the world would only provide 2-8C cooling for 7.5hrs. This issue alone was a major contributor to distributors losing millions of dollars in expensive vaccine with each payload that spoiled a loss of $3600

Initial concept development

Initial concept mechanics simplified

Scale model electronic mockup
Scale model electronic mockup
Assembly scale model
Assembly scale model
Scale model+ backpack in user testing
Scale model+ backpack in user testing
Mechanism prototype
Mechanism prototype
Electronic development
Electronic development
Coding my own mill operations
Coding my own mill operations
Partial assembly after milling
Partial assembly after milling
Hand fabrication of brass pivots
Hand fabrication of brass pivots
3D print assembly
3D print assembly
Polished heatsink
Polished heatsink
Prototype parts for assembly
Prototype parts for assembly
Prototype electronics
Prototype electronics
Prototype development ISO 1
Design validation with nurses
In order to make sure that Isobar was easy to use and not overly technical leading to failure to deliver vaccine due to user error, I conducted multiple user studies and ergonomic evaluations. I setup backpacks with weights, built simple electronic demonstrations and wrote a simple guidebook to simulate a nurse going through all the steps of retrieving vaccine and using the device. This led to multiple insights that went into developing 'ISO 1', the first complete physical prototype system. 

Rendered completed concept ISO 1

Mechanical Proof of Principal 
After designing a theoretical system, the next step was to prove that Isobar could achieve 10x cooling effect than competition. We developed our own insulation techniques and built pressure chambers and control circuits. On October 10 2017, ISO 2 achieved 88hrs of cooling @43 °C ambient environment with a device weighing under 8kg (the PATH small vaccine payload criteria). 
ISO2 Prototype model
ISO2 Prototype model
Thermal insulation optimization
Thermal insulation optimization
Silver solder welding
Silver solder welding
ISO2 Valve
ISO2 Valve
Creating advanced cooler box
Creating advanced cooler box
Testing container
Testing container
First working prototype
First working prototype
Testing in heated chamber
Testing in heated chamber
88hrs test @ 43°C
88hrs test @ 43°C
First toroidal tank
First toroidal tank
ISO 3 Prototype
ISO 3 Prototype
First lower toroidal tank
First lower toroidal tank
Future Development 
After the success of ISO 2 achieving 88hrs cool life at 43°C, development continued with ISO 3 &4, they feature an optimized design predicted to cool for around 120-180hrs from a single charge. 
Awards & Mentions

McKinsey Venture Academy - National 2nd Place
The Guardian - Dyson Award Winner
BBC Newsbeat Article
Morgan Innovation Prize - Runner Up 
Featured in National Science Museum London 2018

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